The Red Moustachio

The Red Moustachio Claimed

We're open for takeaway and delivery

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About Us

Hey We Miss You (And of Course We’re Still the Best Mexican This Side of The Wolds)…BUT WE’RE STILL OPEN

However We’re Having to Do Things Differently…So Here’s How You Can Still Get a Red Moustachio 🙂

We are now providing a collection and local delivery service – you can find these menu below

We are delivering in a 3 mile radius from our restaurant and also have slots available for collection. 15 minute time slots on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (you could list available slots here and update as filled or ask them to contact you for more details either by phone or direct message).

Rest assured we’re taking all the necessary precautions to ensure your safety. Here’s our delivery procedure :

  1. Of course our chefs are ensuring the most hygienic of preparation areas and when preparing your food firstly washing hands, then using disposable gloves before decanting your meals into take away packaging.
  2. All staff are trained thoroughly in these new regimes which include hand washing and using hand gels on leaving, before delivering each meal and on return
  3. Delivery vehicles and storage containers for keeping our food hot is washed and soapy water, anti viral spray and dried with disposable towels.
  4. Payment is taken by card over the phone only to avoid cash handling
  5. Delivery drivers will call you when outside your front door to let you know they’ve arrived, obviously maintaining a safe distance.

Feel free to drop us a message via the button above or call us and we’ll let you know more about availability (our revised opening times are also shown below


We really appreciate your continued support during these difficult times. Please help us let as many people know we’re still open for business, by sharing this with your friends and family (use the share button above)

Important Questions

Our customers/clients choose us because :
Our food is amazing and hospitality welcoming to all who walk through our doors
You can trust our business because :
We have been in business 25 years and we're still growing that says it all
If you have an issue with any of our products or service we promise to :
We'll refund you no questions asked
We pride ourselves on :
Quality, innovation, cleanliness
Our customers keep coming back to us because :
They love everything about what we do - the staff, food, environment, pricing
The things we do best are :
Amazing home made deserts, cask ales, steaks



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